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The complete roadmap for full-stack development in 2024

A detailed guide and road map for full stack Web development. The front end, back end development ,programming languages, frameworks are discussed.

Category : Web Development
Last Updated : 07 Jan 2024

Get to know the basic programming languages you will need to know about if you’re looking for a career in full-stack development

Becoming a full stack web developer seems to be a daunting task, especially if you are completely new to the field of coding. As a beginner, you might think that you have a whole lot to learn within a short span of time.

The languages, frameworks, libraries and databases along with everything else required are considered to be a list of tools for full stack web development. The easiest way to begin any work is to strategize with a roadmap. A roadmap is the best way to kick-start your attempt to become a full stack web developer.

Your objective should be to learn the bare minimum skill-set required so that you can start experimenting and honing your learned skills. Once you have mastered the basics, you can go ahead and learn full stack technologies which will give you an edge over others. Follow a structured path and equip yourself steadily rather than trying to learn the entire web development spectrum.

In this blog, you will find a complete full-stack roadmap of 2023. It is the go-to guide for organizing and selecting technologies to learn. The roadmap is similar to the full-stack roadmap of 2020 that we wrote about earlier. 

This article will mainly benefit the noobs but is also useful for professional coders looking to become full-stack web developers. If you already have knowledge of some of the technologies we are going to talk about here, skip to the sections that will be useful to you. Feel free to customize this roadmap to suit your needs.  

Front-end technology roadmap for full-stack web development

Below we have listed the common tools that you need to master as a full-stack developer. The roadmap herein will serve as a learning path for you if you want to make a career in it. 

Basic languages

HTML- HyperText Markup Language is the most basic and must know for any website you are creating. You define and structure the content of a website.

CSS- CSS is used for styling websites and adding layouts, fonts and colours. 

SQL- Structured Query Language is a basic language used for database management.

Front-end frameworks

BootStrap- BootStrap is an open-source toolkit for developing responsive, mobile first projects. It uses HTML,CSS and JavaScript. It helps design a website faster and easily. It has design templates for forms, buttons, tables, navigation etc., and also supports JavaScript plugins.

AngularJS- This a structural framework for dynamic web apps. The JavaScript-based open source web framework is maintained by Google and a community of corporations and individuals. They address challenges in a single-page application. It allows usage of HTML as the template language. It data-binding and dependency reduce the amount of coding required substantially. 

ReactJS- A JavaScript library maintained by Facebook and a group of companies as well as individual developers. React is optimal for fetching fast-changing data that needs to be recorded. It is used for building user interfaces for single page applications. It allows users to create reusable UI components. 

VueJS-This is yet another open-source JavaScript framework for single page applications and UIs. It is very compact in size and high on performance. The best option for new coders, it offers hand-picked the choicest features of other frameworks like Angular and React. It is known as the most approachable framework today. 

Other programming languages required for full-stack development

You need to be proficient in multiple programming languages as most of the core processes for any business have to be written in them. It is not possible to master all of them in a short time, so we have a list of languages for you to begin with. 

JavaScript-  JavaScript is a just-in-time compiled programming language. It helps in adding dynamic features to your website. This is used for both front end and back end operations. J

JavaScript basics are easy to learn. Many of the front-end as well as back-end frameworks include NodeJS and AngularJS use JavaScript. It is widely used for applications like chatbots using full stack technology. A Java roadmap framework is vital to any full-stack development roles, either junior or senior, in almost all organizations.

TypeScript- Developed and maintained by Microsoft for the development of large applications, TypeScript is a prerequisite if you want to learn Angular, and it has recently become very popular. It is always used along with JavaScript for features like type checking.

Python- Python is a high-level, general-purpose language. It can be used on a server to create web applications, mathematics and server scripting. It connects to databases to read and manipulate files. Python was designed for readability and runs on an interpreter system. It can also be used in a procedural, object-oriented or functional way. 

Ruby- A dynamic, open source language, Ruby is easy to learn and code. It focuses on productivity and simplicity, and it can be used for web applications, servers, system utilities, backups and database works.

PHP- PHP is the most popular scripting language, and it can be embedded into HTML. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server where PHP is installed. It is used to collect form data and send or receive cookies amongst other functions.

Back-end technology roadmap for full-stack web development

Developers need a back-end framework so that an application can be created. It is the script-side of a dynamic application. A lot of options are available for back-end frameworks. 

Express- Express.js is a framework used as a web application for Node.js. It is a module of NodeJS. It can be used for apps that are based on servers that will listen for connection requests from clients. It can be used for single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. It is fast, easy to use and assertive.

NodeJS- NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform in nature that runs across various platforms. it is a JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript outside a browser.

Django- Django is a high-level Python web framework that follows model-template-view architecture. It is used to simplify the creation of complex, database-driven websites. It is fast and promotes a clean design. 

Ruby on Rails- Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework based on the Ruby language. It provides default structures for databases, web services and web pages. It uses model-view-controller architecture. This is comparatively hard to learn as you have to learn multiple and independent concepts.

Database system roadmap

In today's scenario, there are tons of databases. Each company develops its own databases according to their requirements. 

The objective of this roadmap is to learn and become a database administrator.

MySQL, SQLite, Postgres- These are Relational Database management systems, and the data is stored in table-like schemes. This is good for storing business data. These use SQL

MongoDB, Cassandra, Apache storm, Sphinx- These are the NoSQL databases. Their only commonality is that they do not use a relational database scheme. This type of database covers a wide range of technologies and can be used to find key-value DB, graph DBs, streaming DBs etc.,

VoltDB and MemSQL- These are a new kind of database, the NewSQL. They follow the relational scheme but instead of disks, they use memory. the advantage is that they outperform the traditional RDBMS but the limited amount of memory available is definitely a downside to this type of database.

Additional skills recommended for full-stack web development

Git- The most popular distributed version control system, Git is fast and efficient. It has the capacity to handle small to very large projects. It is used to coordinate between programmers as well as track any changes made to any code stored in its repository. Check out the git basics before getting started. GitHub is the most widely used code repository, and therefore a must learn for an aspiring coder. A GitHub roadmap is a crucial part in the full-stack learning course.

Machine Learning- A subset of AI, machine learning is now being incorporated into various industries. It has entered the web development field in addition to being part of big data. This provides the ability to learn and improve without being explicitly programmed. ML is a good-to-learn skill for a full stack web developer.

SSH- Secure shell protocol is used to operate network services securely over an unsecured network. SSH provides a secured remote login from one computer to another. It ensures the privacy and integrity of data.

HTTP/HTTPS-HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol used by the world wide web. it defines how messages are transmitted, and how actions are taken by web servers and browsers when responding to commands. HTTPS is the secured version of HTTP. Here, the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security. It ensures protection against man-in-the-middle attacks and eavesdropping.

Linux command-line basic-Although it is not mandatory that you possess this skill, it is good to know about Linux. It is not necessarily easy or hard to learn. Linux makes the job easier and saves a lot of time by organizing items on the back-end

Data structures and algorithms-Data structures are different ways of storing data, while an algorithm is a generic approach methodology to solve a problem or requirement. Every programmer needs to be familiar with these concepts. These are not core skills, but the more intuitive you are about these, the easier it is to solve issues or add requirements. The impacts are felt in efficiency, scalability and performance of an application. As a full stack developer, these courses will help you immensely.

.Net and asp.net framework- .Net framework is used for building both web and server based applications. .Net roadmap is vital for industry standards. Asp.net is a subset of .net and is used primarily for simplifying dynamic pages on a website. Its roadmap is equally important in the front-end and back-end development.

Character encoding- Character encoding is a must learn if you are planning on developing global applications. If there is no proper character encoding, you might end up with unreadable text on display, and the data will not be properly processed and your content may not be found by search engines. 


Full-stack software development has seen a surge in almost every large and small organization in recent years. This roadmap lets you know all the basic and intermediate skills required to become a successful full-stack developer. The more skills you gain, the more your profile gets noticed. Crampete offers training in full-stack development. Engineering graduates can opt for such courses who are looking for a better career growth and good salary. 

FAQ's :

Q. How do I become a full stack developer roadmap?

Ans. Having a hands-on grasp of at least one front-end framework, knowing the design patterns and the usability criteria.Usage of code optimization in terms of JavaScripting (Such as Module bundling, Minification, lazy loading etc.)Having a sets of standards that maintains compatibility across all types of device contexts, Browser context etcHaving a wireframe design handy!(That’s difficult)

Q. Which certification is best for full stack developer?

Ans. There is no well-known certification that can assist you in becoming a good full-stack developer or gaining recognition. It is merely a substitute for work experience. In most circumstances, your past employers' feedback will have a lot higher impact than the credentials you will receive. However, this does not negate the importance of certification. While the term "full-stack development" is still relatively new, certifications might help you stand out from the crowd.

Q. How much do beginner web developers make?

Ans. However, the average salary of a web developer with one year of experience is 5–8 lakhs per year. Additionally, factors such as the technology you've worked with before, your graduation college, your coding proficiency, and your previous employer may all play a role.

Q. Is Web development a stressful job?

Ans. When it comes to deadlines, web development is always tough. Either front-end or back-end development is possible, depending on the customer and the deadlines established by your firm. Because of these factors, you may face a deadline a few weeks before the delivery date. Web development is a well-paying job.Of course, the web languages you know will play a big part in your salary and what jobs you can land.

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Amit Balyan

- Internation Trainor

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